Letrozole Tablets


Letrozole tablets consists of letromina substance that is used to treat infertile women. Females who are unable to ovulate are also treated by letrozole tablets. It is used by doctors increase sperm count in men.

Letromina (Letrozole tablets)
Letromina is manufactured in India by:
Alpha-Pharma Healthcare
Category: Aromatase inhibitors (non-steroidal inhibitors)
Presentation: 3×10 tablets
Each tablet contains 2.5mg of Letrozole


Letrozole Tablets

Letrozole is an oral medication used to stimulate the ovulation process in ladies with polycystic ovary disorder (PCOS) and other unexplained infertility issues. While Letrozole was endorsed by the U.S. Nourishment and Drug Administration for use as a breast cancer drug, it has been utilized off-name by other specialists since 2001, in light of the fact that it has had less reactions than Clomid (Clomiphene) and has a lower risk of different types of high-risk pregnancies.

Clomiphene is the present first-line medication that is used for treating infertility issues associated with PCOS. Ongoing examination, in any case, has recommended that Letrozole may offer a fundamentally higher chance of achieving pregnancy within females. PCOS affects from 5 to 10 percent of reproductive age women and may be the most common cause of female infertility today. Although Clomiphene is currently the frontline treatment for infertility, it offends the Oestrogen receptors and hinders the negative criticism of Oestrogen on the nerve centre, in this manner expanding gonadotropin levels and upgrading ovarian incitement.

Studies have shown that Letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor, is more viable than Clomiphene for the treatment of infertility within ladies with PCOS. Live births were achieved in 27.5% of ladies consuming Letrozole versus 19.1% of ladies who consumed Clomiphene. Although this study came back with the lower percentage of birth rates, this may be due to the severity of infertility within these test subjects being very high or unusual cases. Even within this low rate of achieved live births, we can still see that Letrozole has had a higher success rate than that of its predecessor Clomiphene.

Most couples who are looking for help with their infertility issues, usually start off with the well-known Clomiphene and if this medication does not help or does not start the ovulation process then they will turn to Letrozole to be able to achieve their goal of becoming pregnant. Also, whether choosing to run Clomiphene or Femara as your fertility treatment medication, taking Cabergoline along-side this medication has been shown to increase the chances of becoming pregnant by 64 percent. This is anavar legal in uk is due to the Cabergoline bringing down the levels of prolactin within the body and allowing Clomiphene or Letrozole to be able to work better at starting the ovulation process.

Letrozole Uses and Dosage

Letrozole has been known within other areas of the medical field to have beneficial properties, which include the use for men at bringing down their Oestrogen levels within the body when needed. But aside from the fact that Letrozole has other beneficial properties, we are looking at its outstanding affect to be able to treat females suffering from infertility issues. Letrozole boosts the growth and release of eggs within women who are anovulatory, or not ovulating at all, and can cause superovulation in women who are already able to ovulate. In both cases, it increases the chances of natural conception. Another benefit of Letrozole for bodybuilding is it has been shown to improve the endometrial thickness.

Dosage of Letrozole: Letrozole usually comes in 2.5mg tablets. Letrozole should only be taken once your menstrual cycle has started. Unlike Cabergoline, which is taken throughout the month to help and support these other infertility medications to achieve their desired role. Letrozole is only taken for 5-7 days within your cycle window. Most specialists advise taking Letrozole on days 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of your menstrual cycle. Others specialists can advise that days 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 will be more beneficial. Usually most females will know their menstrual cycles well and will be able to tell which days they are going to be most fertile. If this is not the case, there are online calculators that can help to inform you on which days are you most fertile days within your cycle, so that you can plan accordingly and pick the right time to consume these medications.

The dosage at which Letrozole is advised to be taken is 2.5mg (1 tablet) per day for the four-five day period within your most fertile stage of your cycle. If this is taken and you do not end up ovulating and conceiving within this window. Do not be alarmed, it has been shown that this can be retaken on the following month. If this is the case and you can try within your next window of opportunity on the following month, this dosage can be increased to 5.0g (2 tablets) per day for the short consecutive number of days. If you do not gain any benefit from this once again, the last time you can safely increase you dose is on month three, where this can be taken at 7.5mg per day for the consecutive number of days. Please note that if you do not reap any benefits or start ovulation after this period, it is advised not to go any higher than this already high dosage of Letrozole. If you have been using this medication alone, adding in some Cabergoline to work along-side this medication will increase your chances of achieving ovulation.

Side Effects Associated with Letrozole: Please be advised that if you have experienced any adverse side effects while increasing your dosage of Letrozole, it is advised to not increase the dosage any longer. Here are some of the mild side effects associated with this medication; fatigue, dizziness, headache, bloating, hot flushes, night sweats, upset stomach, breast pain, difficulty sleeping and spotting or unusual menstrual bleeding. If any of these symptoms occur, do not be alarmed, just monitor them closely and if they do not subside on their own after a number of days, it is advised to contact your local physician for more advice. Some of the uncommon side effects associated with Letrozole are; chest pain, difficulty breathing, unusual bleeding or bruising, pain in the upper right part of the stomach, yellowing of the skin or eyes, pain, warmth, or heaviness in the back of the lower leg, severe headaches or sudden speech problems. Although these are very uncommon, if any of these symptoms occur please contact your physician immediately for further advice.